There are a lot of websites on the internet these days. Many companies pay a lot of money to get the website they need to let people know all about their business. Not all website on the internet are good websites. So I think it is extremely important that you understand what I think makes a good website. Especially if you are considering being my client.
A good website needs at least some of the following:
- User Friendly Organization-Can your website users find what they need without having to search everywhere?
- Visually Pleasing-Is there enough space around your content so the user doesn’t feel cluttered? Is your site inviting or is it too cluttered? You want your site to be pleasing to look at. A website should not be painful to look at. It should be a good representation of the business that it is for without sacrificing the aesthetics of the usability.
- Good Content-Content that your user wants to read. Content that is useful and engaging. Content needs to be concise and direct so that it can be scanned quickly to find the pieces your user is looking for. Let’s face it, we don’t read every word on websites. Who has time for that?
- Social Media-Are your Social Media Icons visible and do they send your users to the right place? Your social media is an important part of your marketing and should be complimentary to your business.
- Good Links-Do you have broken links? Old Links that link to nowhere? This is one of my pet peeves. I hate broken links! So, it is my goal that if I am maintaining your website that you never have any broken links.
- Has Good & Original Images-I am not a fan of stock photos. Before You get testy let me just say that I think a business is best represented by photos that are taken of the business or their products and not some generic image. I don’t like seeing a happy dental patient in a dental office that looks nothing like the office that belongs to them(This is only an example, I am not singling out dentists). I can come and take photos for you and edit them to look so much better than those stock images.
- Responsive and works on multiple Screen Sizes-Most people use the internet from mobile devices so your site should be user friendly to these mobile users.
- Your Site is Accessible to Everyone-Many people use the internet that are visually impaired or have a number of other issues that effect the say they view the internet. I think it is extremely important that your site is accessible to everyone. We take the time to make sure that your site is accessible to every user according to the most up to date accessibility guidelines.